A 3 day First Aid at Work Course, comprising of:

Day 1

Introduction and admin


Incident Management

Primary, Secondary surveys on unconscious casualty to include recovery position and spinal care

BLS - theory and practical

Choking - adult, child, infant

Practicals - on choking including Primary and secondary surveys, BLS

Test on the causes of unconsciousness (FISH SHAPED)

Day 2


Shock - All types

Wounds and bleeding

Catastrophic bleeding and Haemostatic Agents

Practical wounds and bleeding - (simulated mock ups)

Practical's on  Primary and Secondary Surveys, Recovery Position, BLS and choking on simulations)

Extremity injuries to include - Fractures-Dislocations-Sprains-Strains

Burns and scalds

Day 3


Eye Injuries

Post accident actions and recordings

First Aid Kits

Cross Infection

Practical exercises


Practical assessment on CPR - Bleeding - Unconscious casualty

All courses are certificated and attendees will be provided with relevant course documentation and handbook.